Qualifying Software for Safe reuse! - Part 2

Software component qualification (ISO26262-8, clause 12) is an activity widely used with the intent of reusing existing software for Safety. In our first article , we had discussed the big picture view of component qualification with the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle. In this second part of the article, we will cover the following topics: The broad steps that need to be carried out for SW component qualification Challenges in qualification and possible solutions The broad steps that need to be carried out for SW component qualification Let us consider the example of a component qualification performed for a Math library that is proposed to be used in an ADAS system that has Safety goals which demand Math libraries to be safety relevant. Let’s assume that only the code for the Math library exists. The Qualification activity could be broadly broken into 3 steps. Defining safety-relevant requirements and testing them Defining the Integration/User guide and performing Integration t...