The Mumbo-Jumbo called ASIL Decomposition!
ASIL Decomposition – What is it anyway! Let us start with the ISO 26262 definition for ASIL Decomposition: “ Apportioning of redundant safety requirements to elements, with sufficient independence, conducing to the same safety goal, with the objective of reducing the ASIL of the redundant safety requirements that are allocated to the corresponding elements .” If you feel completely lost or confused as though you read a statement in a language that you have never heard of, then you are not alone! ASIL decomposition is considered as one of the advanced topics in the safety domain and many feel intimidated to venture into this topic. The idea behind this blog is to demystify the decomposition concept and to present you with some pointers on how to use decomposition. If we have to breakdown the definition into ‘plain’ English, it would look something like this: ASIL decomposition is a method by which the requirements could be broken down into redundant requirements that are then allo...