OTA - Boon or Bane

“Over The Air (OTA) updates have brought down the SW quality" A couple of months ago, I was discussing with a Senior manager (and close friend) in SW Quality and what he said about OTA shocked me. This cannot be true, I said to myself. There are definite benefits to using OTA and one of the foremost is the cost saving that this functionality brings to the table for OEMs. I started thinking about the benefits and could immediately list down the below. Reduction in cost of updating software Ease of use Ability to migrate to the latest and greatest feature that the OEM offers Last but not the least, address safety security concerns in a timely manner How could my friend be so wrong about this wonderful functionality? The SW upgrade of Tesla is one shining example of how OTA could be effectively utilized to not just provide a wonderful user experience but also could be used to increase the bottom line of an organization itself. With confirmation bias setting in, I had to reset my thin...